Work with us?

For thirty five years the Dementia Trust has been the most influential dementia charity that you’ve never heard of.

Original funders and creators behind the famous University of Stirling Dementia Services Development Centre, the Trust has continued to work throughout the world to improve the lives of people affected by dementia. Only in recent years have we had our own website and started to be more public in our identity.

We are entering a new phase, with new ideas for change and development. Our new-look website show cases some of the amazing work we have done in recent years along with individuals and organisations as partners, trying out new ideas and building on what makes a difference.

We are now looking for new Trustees to join the board. Being on a board is a way to make a difference and our board meets four times a year - twice in Scotland and twice virtually. We need fresh talent to help us with raising our visibility, making sure that we not only do good work, but let people know about it.

Even if you don’t feel it’s for you, please tell anyone you know that there’s a chance to join this board and really make a difference.

To find out more, explore the website, and get in touch via


Remembering Covid-19: Every Story Matters


The History of the Dementia Trust