Dementia Trust: Annual Review 2023

DSDT's Continued Commitment to Supporting people living with Dementia and their carers. to support scientific excellence, to operate with the highest standards of integrity and independence, and to work with partners who value collaboration and respect.

The Dementia Services Development Trust (DSDT) has had a transformative year, as outlined in our Annual Review 2023.

Here are some highlights:

  1. Mission and Vision: DSDT continues its mission to challenge conventional thinking on dementia, focusing on human dignity and the support of unpaid carers.

  2. Increasing Visibility: Efforts to raise the Trust's profile have been successful, including a name simplification to 'The Dementia Trust' and enhancing our digital presence.

  3. Digital and Social Media Growth: With a new responsive website and active social media engagement, DSDT has significantly expanded its reach and profile, offering valuable resources and information for those affected by dementia and their carers.

  4. Innovative Projects and Awards: The Trust's 'Disruption Awards' funded more groundbreaking projects in 2023, such as creating culturally appropriate resources, the ‘hearing voices’ project and developing digital tools to aid interaction and care.

  5. Looking Forward: As DSDT plans to introduce 'Impact Accelerator Awards', they continue to seek innovative ways to support those with dementia and their carers, while also enhancing fundraising efforts to sustain their valuable work.

For more details on DSDT's initiatives and future plans, the full Annual Review 2023 offers an in-depth look at our dedication to improving dementia care and support.


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