Fundraising for the Dementia Trust

Fundraising for the Dementia Trust is a constant task and we are so grateful to our lovely donors who have supported our recent challenges and events. Would you like to help and wonder what you can do? Here are some recent efforts!

In the month of June, Prof June Andrews got going with a personal exercise challenge that she kept up for 30 days raising £1,000. Two kind and thoughtful people left a legacy in their wills that will allow the Trust to continue its work of Disruption Awards. Just looking at our Just Giving page lets you see the names of those who have generously given and the notes from anonymous donors who gave in the name of loved ones.

Now we have a new fundraiser! Trustees are very grateful to Mrs Elizabeth Tinto who is putting on a fundraising fashion show for us at her local golf club. If anyone can offer a super raffle prize that would be greatly appreciated, or if you want to come and take part in the show, with supper and a glass of wine you’d be most welcome. It will be great to see you on November 9th!


The Treasure Project - search for the stories in side


Dementia whiteboard project - can you help?